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Life Lessons with Mamta

A date with Mahiya (@memhaiya), discussing five points which will bring a delightful change in your life

Connect with Mother Earth for Emotional Release: Embrace the practice of taking morning walks, especially barefoot, to establish a connection with Mother Earth. This connection is a powerful means to shed emotional, mental, and physical burdens. Even dedicating just 15-20 minutes to this ritual, or as little as 5 minutes with genuine intention, can yield positive results.

Water Element Cleansing: During your daily bath, transform the experience into a holistic cleansing ritual. Visualize a golden shower of water falling upon you and affirm, "I cleanse my emotional and mental body too." This practice enables the release of toxins, negative energies, and external influences, contributing to your overall well-being.

Harness the Power of Sunlight: Every morning, take a moment to stand in the presence of the rising sun or a Diya (lamp) and seek blessings for the virtues you currently require in your life. Whether it's peace, courage, or confidence, this simple act can set a positive tone for your day and help you release negative energies and doubts.

Air Element for Gratitude and Letting Go: Consciously inhale the air with gratitude and love, and when you exhale, let go of resentment, anger, and painful memories. This practice not only helps you maintain a deep sense of gratitude but also aids in releasing emotional burdens. Spending time in nature, with children, or in moments of joy and laughter can further open your heart chakra.

Sky: Create a Protective Shield: Before stepping out into the world, envision a protective blue cloak or bubble surrounding you. Declare yourself "invisible to all negative energies." This simple act can provide a shield against harmful influences and ensure that you move through life with enhanced protection.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, as recommended by Mamta Kukreja, you can experience emotional release, holistic cleansing, blessings, and protection, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

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